In this course, you will go from feeling pulled in multiple directions, possibly unclear about your direction, under stress or pressure, to having the tools to guide yourself through recovery from a setback, career transition, or reinvention toward a meaningful role.

If you are a manager, team leader, niche professional in transition, or seeking to avoid burnout and wanting to achieve a more meaningful balanced life, then this program is for you.

Emotions guide your decisions, actions, and level of vitality. Blending emotional awareness and intuition, empathy, intellect, and your body leads to mindful, adaptive thinking. You know what you're trusting.

This course is the first step toward working with the source of your decision-making leadership whether you work in a traditional company or wish to move into a self-managed or distributed governance model. and seek to bring your whole self to work.

This starter course offers you:

1.         A set of personalized strategies that clear annoying mental/emotional barriers,

2.         The opportunity to lead with a service-oriented and visionary intention,

3.         An ethical and visionary set of principles that apply universally. (Principles, not beliefs!)

4.         Detecting invisible influences that can deplete or boost your health and vitality

5.         Ways to manage stress and maintain mental well-being in a high-pressure work environment.

Leverage your unique strengths to transcend (rise above) the demands of your many roles, aware of the context and impact.

Six modules. Six weeks. Leading toward visionary and collective action.

We are in urgent need of bold leaders who can work with complex issues to restore health at all levels: ecological, workplace, and more. Underneath the surface is the feeling that we are on a self-destructive path that only be altered by collective action with a shared focus.

Are you ready to take charge of your emotional health and willing to be a part of something bigger?