Free webinar

Discover the Key to Personal and Professional Leadership Growth: Emotional Mastery

The vitality of the world at every level requires a higher level of leadership that does not rely on force. Achieving that starts with each person’s adaptive ability and emotional compass.

Have you ever felt:

“exhausted and overwhelmed trying to juggle work and personal life. I need to find a better balance."

“the desire to contribute to something greater than myself or only the bottom line."

"wanted work to align with your values and make a difference."

Learn what goes into building inner strength, the most common mistakes people make when contemplating a bigger leadership role, and how to move past them, and why shifting leadership consciousness demands higher self-awareness, self-discipline, and a curious mind.

It is not until you are slammed against a wall, and brought to your knees, that you find yourself and access a deeper held strength.
— Joseph Chilton Pearce - developmental psychologist


1.     How much time is involved?

The free webinar is 90 minutes including Q&A. What you learn is a matter of what you need today, and how you chose to apply the insights gained. The webinar presents one lens. Your world and its challenges build mental muscle.

2.     How directly relevant is emotional health to my professional life and the challenges I am experiencing?

Emotional health is at the core of your ability to navigate and find the strength to recover from loss including job loss, relationship, status, and inequity issues. Without paying attention to and looking after your emotional health and well-being, you compromise your cognitive functioning because the emotional/mental health is entangled. You don’t trust your intuition which is key for working with uncertainty. Unless you are patching a hole in a bucket, you are working with complex issues. You cannot make high-impact decisions effectively when your body’s resources are being channeled into a depleted emotional state. Your emotional health directly informs your inner personal security which is not reliant on being in a position of authority.

3.     How does the free webinar address the specific challenges or pressures arising from world events or natural disasters?

People’s stories shared in the free webinar are regular people who have moved through life’s traumatizing interruptions. The larger global events provide the backdrop. In this webinar, we learn from the experiences of people who moved through the emotional process to arrive at clarity, direction, and clear purpose.

Want to learn more about what is possible?

Watch the free mini-course.

Gain insight on how to maintain your emotional and mental health when jolted by an event, even if you feel overwhelmed, so you can expand your trust and confidence in yourself en route to a fulfilling and meaningful life.

If you are a manager at any level or niche professional feeling the pressures from the workplace – home or concealed anxiety from world events this webinar will help you:

  1. ·      Connect emotional health to your decision-making environment,

  2. ·      Learn from other professionals who moved through fear in extremely difficult circumstances,

  3. ·      Gain insight into the process of maintaining emotional health and the element of play,

  4. ·      Learn how to shift perspective to gain clarity and purpose.

  5. ·      Recognize the value of your hidden resources that guide the leader within.

 Leave with a framework for maintaining holistic health and insights for recovering focus and overcoming doubts, fears, and anxieties. You’ll also receive an invitation to continue through a six-module program starting in February.

Why Dawna Jones?

My professional and personal experience in dealing with challenging situations supports you. I have facilitated multiparty conflicts and difficult situations and honed my ability to detect beneath and beyond the surface. Good at spotting patterns I see repetitive patterns that either help or hinder achievement and resilience.

My life experience went from being pulled in multiple directions, loss of all kinds, to becoming more fluent and adaptive. Valuable skills have been drawn from setbacks, such as being a single parent, and the consequences of being a highly sensitive person functioning (or not) in harsh environments. My work, programs, podcasts, speaking and consulting are Inspired by the need for a bold level of personal and collective leadership consciousness that recognizes the complexity of the world we live in so that we can move from exploitation to regeneration of vitality for all species and living systems.

 I look at the world holistically. Practical knowledge is supported by research and combines science with the power of the human spirit. The work has depth so combines concept with practice.

Current podcast is here.

Author of Decision-making for Dummies, Podcaster since 2008.

See About Me